Howard Park
South Bend, IN USA
Playground Details
Age Ranges
- 2 to 5 years
- 5 to 12 years
Play Styles
- Towers
- Net Play
- Custom
Product Lines/ Categories
Min Area Required
- 212' x 192' (64,62 m x 58,52 m)
Design/CAD Files for this Playground
Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.Design Standards

Price Range (USD)
Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
Two custom playground towers are the feature in this one-of-a-kind play space. In addition to being accessible, there are tons of climbing opportunities within the towers and kids ages 5 to 12 will find thrills in the super-tall tunnel slides. The Crab Trap® and another custom arched climber use a variety of materials to add visual interest and create different climbing experiences, inside or out. And another custom playstructure, designed for 2- to 5-year-olds, mimics the shape, materials and age-appropriate activities found elsewhere in the playground design. There are many more freestanding play components throughout including the We-Saw™, OmniSpin® spinner, Mobius® Climber and much more.
Installed: October 2019
We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.
Playground consultant for this project
PO Box 7075
Westchester, IL 60154
Toll Free 800-526-6197
Phone 708-579-9055