John A. Sullivan Playground U of M Masonic Children's Hospital
Minneapolis, MN USA
MN - John A. Sullivan Playground
Video features the playground at Masonic Children’s Hospital was created to give patients, and their siblings, an escape from life in the hospital. Along with an animal-themed design, special focus was put toward making the playground equipment adaptive to children with IV’s and using mobility devices. The result was a first-of-its kind IV-friendly slide! The playground is named for Minnesota Vikings Center John Sullivan, who helped fund the playground. The design includes cues to John in the safety surfacing and a #65 Find (his football number) throughout the equipment.
[video: camera shooting up toward top of building. Building reads, University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital. An elevated view of the entire play area. Camera pans down the side of the PlayBooster playground where a SpyroSlide and a custom life size elephant head and front legs are located. Children run and play all around the playground. Camera pans up the side of the Elephant trunk stopping at its eye to show the realistic texture and paint job. Camera pans across the custom Manta Ray climber. Camera pans across the base of the Manta Ray climber designed and painted with colorful coral and seashell designs.]
[video: camera switches to a view of the playground welcome sign advising this playground is for children 5 to 12 years of age. A young girl climbs up to sit in the U shape curve of the Elephants trunk. A boy quickly spins around while holding on to a spinner with animal shapes at the top. Three children stand around him as he spins. Camera zooms in on a different boy who now spins the animal spinner.]
[video: camera zooms in on a group of children’s feet as they stand on top of the Manta Ray concrete climber. A line of girls climbs up the playground steps. A girl jumps off the peak rock climber towards the camera. A girl springs back and forth towards the camera as she rides a spring rider. She smiles aggressively at the camera. Camera switches to a boy playing with the Marbles on the custom marble panel made into the shape of a Giraffe. The boy runs his hands over the marbles.]
Boy: You can move them.
[video: three girls spin around together while holding on to the spinning animal pole. Camera zooms in girls face as she speaks into the trunk of the elephant.]
Girl: Ok, now you say good bye.
[video: camera goes in and out of focus as a boy speaks to the camera while standing by the trunk of the Elephant.]
Boy: You going big?
[video: a young girl smiles and poses for the camera as a group of boys run and climb on the Manta Ray concrete climber behind her. A boy sits underneath the playground on the belt hammock. He looks up at the camera. Camera zooms in on a group of children walking and spinning the animal spinner. A group of children sit on top of the Manta Ray concrete climber. Camera has an elevated view as it pans down the side of the PlayBooster playground where the Elephant statue is located. Camera pans over the top of surrounding bushes of the playground as children play all around. A young boy steps up the steps of the PlayBooster playground. A group of girls run around the animal spinner. A young boy rides a Dolphin spring rider. Camera pans over to a girl sitting on the truck of the Elephant statue. A boy slides down the small roller slide. Camera pans down to a woman pointed to something stamped in the concrete rock climber.]
Woman: That is a J S, right.
[video: camera focuses on an engraved circle with the letters J S and the number 65 carved into the concrete.]
Young girl: What playground is this?
[video: camera switches to a top down view of the pebble flex playground surfacing. It yellow letters it reads, Welcome to the Sullivan playground. John Sullivan’s hand-written signature below text. A girl off camera speaks.]
Girl: This is fun.
[video: two girls turn and smile and wave at the camera. Camera pulls back for a full view of the PlayBooster playground with children playing in the background with the animal spinner and on the Manta Ray concrete climber. Fade to black.]
Playground Details
Age Ranges
- 2 to 5 years
- 5 to 12 years
Play Styles
Product Lines/ Categories
Min Area Required
- 57' x 54' (17,37 m x 16,46 m)
- 2-5 Area: 29' x 24' (8,84 m x 7,32 m)
- 5-12 Area: 33' x 27' (10,06 m x 8,23 m)
Max Fall Height
- 72" (1,83 m)
Design/CAD Files for this Playground
Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.Design Standards

Price Range (USD)
Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
The playground at Masonic Children's Hospital was created to give patients, and their siblings, an escape from life in the hospital. Along with an animal-themed design, special focus was put toward making the playground equipment adaptive to children with IVs and using mobility devices. The result was a first-of-its kind IV-friendly slide! The playground is named for Minnesota Vikings Center John Sullivan, who helped fund the playground. The design includes cues to John in the safety surfacing and a #65 Find (his football number) throughout the equipment.
Installed: May 2013
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Playground consultant for this project
11123 Upper 33rd St N
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
Phone 763-550-7860