Clement Park
Littleton, CO USA
CO - Clement Park
Video features the new inclusive musical themed playground at Clement Park in Littleton Colorado.
[video: scene begins with a full elevated shot of Clement Park with its large play space and surrounding pavilions. The elevated view of the park shifts as the sunflower yellow and gold playground glows in the sun. The camera switches to a full side view of the inclusive play area of the park with the unique trombone inspired play structure.]
[video: the scene fades to black and back into a elevated view of the park as the camera pans over children playing at all the different playground activities. A woman begins to speak in the background. Scene switches to two parents standing on a playground deck speaking to the camera. White text in front of the man reads Tyler as text in front of the woman reads Kiera.]
Kiera: We have a great community of Denver parents, of special needs kids. We reached out to our community and we you know sort of asked questions and said what are the things that you love about parks that you’ve been to in Colorado or outside Colorado or things that you hate that just don’t work.
Kiera voiceover: You know the equipment that just has good intentions, but it doesn’t you know in person actually evolve to that.
[video: children play together on the ropes and belted climbing sections within the trombone shaped play structure. The camera switches from different views around the trombone shaped pay structure as children climb and play all around. The camera focuses on a girl wearing noise damping headphones as she climbs on the coned shaped of the trombone structure. Scene switches to a view through a cargo net where children climb and swing from the netting. Camera switches to a view down the inside of the trombone structure. Scene switches to a view across the park where a young girl stands and watches a Color Splash Panel spin in front of her. Here mother stands by watching as the girl plays. Scene switches back to Kiera and Tyler as Kiera finishes speaking.]
[video: Tyler begins to speak in the background.]
[video: the camera focuses on the top of a play structure designed like a large organ with pipes of varying heights with a DigiFuse sign printed like a theatre sign reading “Now Playing” surrounded by lights. Camera switches to children climb and jump across pod like steps designed like music notes leading up to the trombone play structure.]
Tyler voiceover: The theme of the park is just music because of the amphitheater and obviously the centerpiece is the trombone.
[video: with a slightly elevated view the camera pans the side of the trombone inspired play structure.]
Tyler voiceover: And we were here for the opening, two weeks ago and my son usually when we go to parks and that’s the whole reason why this was par of the project is, I wanted a park that he could play at.]
[video: camera switches to a view across the park as children play at the many different activities. Scene switches to children climbing on rope ladders on the inside of the trombone structure. With a view across the children and family filled park two girls play together making music at the Rhapsody Grandioso Chimes outdoor musical instrument. Camera switches back to Tyler and Kiera as Tyler continues to talk. A mother stands by a Cozy Climber and a young boy climbs up towards the playground decking.]
Tyler voiceover: You know like literally I could let him go and play. You know the play structures are very suited to not only him but just everyone.
[video: children play together on an inclusive Roller Table. Scene switches to a high bird’s eye view as the camera slowly pans over the play area of the park. Camera switches back to Tyler and Kiera as Kiera begins to speak again.]
Kiera: For me to be able to just let her interact with the equipment, the sensory stuff.
[video: the camera focuses on a young girl seated in a wheelchair as she focuses on a play panel in front of her.]
Kiera voiceover: For her she loves a thrill like she’s a thrill seeker, so you know for her to have a swing that we can both swing at together she loves that We-Go-Round. I mean that thing goes really fast which is so cool.
[video: the young girl in her wheelchair with the assistances of her mother plays the large tubed chimes of the Rhapsody Grandioso Chimes outdoor musical instrument. Scene switches to the young girl seated in her wheelchair near some climbing ropes on the trombone shaped play structure. The young girl waves her arms and sways in her chair as she watches other children play.]
Kiera: You know there’s just like the music and just being able to go on the different levels of the equipment. Those are little things that make such a big difference.
[video: children of all abilities walk and run up a hillside with unique play activities. Scene switches to a woman where sunglasses as she speaks to the camera. White text in the lower right of the screen reads: Jill, Inclusive Play Specialist.]
Jill: This playground is a huge success. I think the coolest part of inclusive play is if we do our jobs right, inclusion is going to be such an afterthought.
[video: the camera slowly pans up to a play structures equipment with ramped playground decking for wheelchair access and many different play panels. Jill and a young girl seated in their wheelchairs beat the tops of a Bongo Panel.]
Jill voiceover: We’re just going to see it, it’s such a cool place to be for everybody and I think that’s what this playground is all about that it doesn’t scream this is for our special needs here and our normal here, this is just a really cool place to be.
[video: the camera focuses on a young girl seated in her motorized wheelchair. She waits outside the We-Go-Round carousel for her turn to spin. Scene switches to Jill as she leaves her wheelchair behind her and begins to climb on the cargo nets of the trombone play structure. The camera switches to a full view of the trombone play structure as children play all over it. Scene switches to Jill and a group of children spinning together in the inclusive We-Go-Round carousel.]
[video: a woman holds onto the chain of a swing as she speaks to the camera. White text in the lower right of the screen reads: Rachel, Inclusive Play Mom.]
Rachel: So, this playground has been really great, Annabelle last year had a really hard time at school because she didn’t have any handicap accessible playground.
[video: the camera views Annabelle as she sits on one side of the Friendship Swing as her mother gently swings her and her friend. Her mother reaches from behind her and tickles Annabelle, she smiles and laughs. Camera switches back to Rachel as she continues to speak.]
Rachel: And she came home for about two weeks in a row crying every day because she didn’t have anyone to play with her at the playground. So, we went and watched her at school, and we had a conversation with her that there was a difference between kids not wanting to play with her and her not being able to play.
Rachel voiceover: And so now she’s got a place where she can go and play with everyone else and she doesn’t have to worry about steps, and she can be on the equipment and she can just be like every other kid.
[video: Annabelle stands holding onto a lower monkey bar set as she pulls herself away from her walker. The camera switches to a front view of Annabelle as she sticks her tongue out in concentration as she lifts her body forward. The camera switches again to a top view of the monkey bars as Annabelle’s hands reach to the next rung of the monkey bar set. The camera pans down unique star designed side panels surrounding the monkey bar set. Scene switches to a view across the park where children of all abilities swing on inclusive playground swings. Scene switches to Jill as she roles towards two girls playing at a Bongo Reach Panel. Scene switches to a view across the park as a mother and daughter play at the Rhapsody Grandioso Chimes outdoor musical instrument. Camera switches back to Rachel as she finishes speaking.]
Rachel: Which is exactly what she wants, is to play with other kids.
[video: Annabelle speaks to the camera as she holds herself up on the inclusive monkey bar set.]
Annabelle: Um, I like how people with disabilities can go and get around. When I was little things like this didn’t exist.
[video: Annabelle stands with her walker at the side of the trombone play structure. Annabelle’s mom stands with Annabelle’s walker as she plays with a group of children spinning together on the We-Go-Round carousel. Scene switches to a young girl seated in the Friendship Swing as she speaks to the camera. White text in the bottom left corner of the screen reads: Juliet, Annabelle’s Sister and also an Inclusive Play Expert.]
Juliet: It’s really nice now that she can actually play with me and I don’t have to be like, oh can you try to do this now or like can you try to do this? So now I can actually do stuff she can do.
[video: scene fades from Juliet to side by side Oodle swings as children play and swing together. Scene fades to a girl sitting at the top of a slide holding her Chihuahua puppy, the girl giggles. Scene fades to a young girl seated in her motorized wheelchair. The girl smiles for the camera. Scene fades to two girls as one smiles and waves to the camera. Scene fades to a top down view of Jill as she peaks through the port hole of a belted disc climber. She smiles and waves to the camera. Scene fades as a girl bends her head backwards to smile at the camera. Scene fades out again to children playing all over the trombone play structure. The screen goes white as a black like appears in the middle of the screen. The rep company Rocky Mountain Recreation logo slides out from behind the black line at the same time the Landscape Structures logo slides out from to the left. Grey text appears below both logos reading: For a better tomorrow we play today.]
Playground Details
Age Ranges
- 2 to 5 years
- 5 to 12 years
Play Styles
- Net Play
- Themed
- Inclusive Play
- Custom
Product Lines/ Categories
Design/CAD Files for this Playground
Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.Design Standards

Price Range (USD)
Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
Clement Park is a regional park in Littleton, Colo., that offers all kinds of recreational opportunities--athletics, picnics, trails and custom play spaces. The music-themed playground features a playground structure that looks like a trombone, custom features on the PlayBooster® playstructure that mimic a pipe organ and a selection of the Rhapsody® Outdoor Musical Instruments. Best of all, this playground is inclusive for individuals of all abilities. A We-Go-Round®, We-Saw™, Sensory Play Center®, the Cozy Dome®, Roller Table™ and much more including ramps that provide access to the playground structures.
Installed: September 2018
We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.
Playground consultant for this project
PO Box 1521
Englewood, CO 80150
Phone 303-783-1452