Learning Walls

Benefits of Learning Walls
Playgrounds are a place where children explore new activities and let their imaginations run free. This requires not only a universal design with exciting and challenging elements, but also age- and developmentally appropriate activities that are stimulating to the senses.
An Educational Playground Experience
Playground learning walls or activity panels provide developmentally appropriate play experiences for toddlers and preschoolers by blending educational and learning scenarios into a playground. Playground activity panels stimulate cognitive and early brain development by introducing sensory and mental stimulation to a play area. Educational playground equipment like learning walls also facilitate social interaction and greater imagination by allowing children of all ages and abilities to play together freely.
Adding Learning Walls to Your Playground
Children touch everything because it’s their most dependable sensory system and the first to develop. Play experiences from learning walls and activity panels provide children a variety of tactile inputs to help the nervous system organize the sensory information around them.
Our sensory play panels provide multiple ways to nurture tactile, motor, emotional and language skills, helping children develop their senses through self-led exploration. Whether it’s our Finger Maze, Bubble Panel or Store Front Panel, our playground learning panels invite children to play with each other and use their imaginations. In addition, our accessible panels are perfect for use with mobility devices or wheelchairs. Choose to combine multiple panels together and create a sensory-packed learning wall or activity station for children of all ages and abilities to enjoy.
Replacing Playground Learning Panels
If you’re looking to replace playground learning panels or refresh your learning activity station, we can work with you to choose the right panels that will create the look and play experience you desire. Activity panels on an existing learning wall must be replaced by the original manufacturer to ensure the safest fit and proper connections. If you aren’t sure of the original manufacturer, check for a company name or safety label on the side of the equipment.
Why Our Learning Activity Panels?
Playgrounds offer many opportunities for children to further develop physical, cognitive, sensory and social skills. An inclusive design incorporates a balance of play experiences that build and enhance these developmental skills through play.
We are an industry leader in creating play environments that allow all children and families to play together, regardless of age or abilities. Our team of experts in the fields of child development, adaptive recreation, sensory play and occupational therapy provide input to ensure we continue to create inclusive playgrounds that help kids develop, build confidence, make friends and play as equals.
It’s not only what we create, but how we create it. Our goal is that every piece of our playground equipment, every finish and every coating is built to last through this generation of children and on to the next. Things like tighter manufacturing tolerances, better fasteners, smaller gaps and no-flake finishes mean no pinched fingers, caught clothing or other safety hazards. Because of our precision manufacturing and use of only the best materials, our products have enhanced longevity, greater protection against UV rays, prevention from corrosion, and improved product performance, all while requiring less maintenance.