The magic of play

At Landscape Structures, we see connections made every day. Everywhere. This is the beauty of play. An extraordinary opportunity for interaction and imagination. Coordination and cooperation. Freedom and fun. Play lets us connect to who we are and see our wonder amplified in the connections we make. That’s why, in everything we do, we celebrate the beauty of play.

We are proud to lead the conversation about the power of play with our videos. Watch the trilogy of Shaped by Play below.

We Come Back to Play
Play Will Always Shape Us
For a Better Tomorrow, We Play Today

The beauty of play is that it’s not just play at all. It’s magic. An opportunity to make connections. Use our social media toolkit to share your story of how play has helped you make connections throughout your life.

Most importantly, share the magic of play with your community by contacting your local Landscape Structures playground consultant to get started on your upcoming playground designs today.

50 Years at Play

Many people remember the days of freestanding slides, swings and monkey bars. But in 1967, that idea of playground design advanced to interconnected play components. Cofounder Steve King created the continuous play concept, the revolutionary idea of combining playground activities. As his final thesis project at Iowa State University, Steve developed a system that linked play activities together to provide a continuous challenge for children. His premise was that if kids are together on one structure, they’ll learn things that they will use in real life like social and conflict-resolution skills.

While his thesis only scored him a C+ grade, Steve took his continuous play concept to his first job as a landscape architect specializing in park planning. In 1969, he put his approach in action in a playground design project for the City of Minneapolis. His first playground was a success, which lead to more interest. And in April 1971, Steve and Barb obtained a $1,000 loan and incorporated Landscape Structures to design and build playground innovation. See our company timeline here.

Landscape Structures’ commitment to playground innovation

Landscape Structures is committed to innovation. Hedra®, one of our more recent inventions, allows kids to safely navigate via their own intuition and curiosity, and invent routes, games and imaginary environments. Our long-standing commitment to inclusive play is breaking barriers with the new We-Go-Swing™, the first no-transfer inclusive swing that can be integrated directly into the playground setting. Even more, the use of innovative materials and the development of colors that are truly inspired by nature is changing the world of playgrounds.

Reflecting on the power of play

As Landscape Structures moves into its 50th year of business, we’re taking time to reflect on the power of play. We know that play and recreation has far more value than just being fun; it is essential for the health and wellbeing of communities. And that’s why our team—nearly 500 employees and the network of more than 200 playground consultants worldwide—is proud to provide unique play opportunities for all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Because no matter what’s happening in the world, we will always come back to play.

View our 2021 catalogs

Now is the time for play. If ever we’ve needed to rely on the physical, emotional and social benefits of play, it’s now. If ever we’ve needed a chance to feel fresh air, stretch our limbs and have some fun, it’s now. If ever we’ve needed to feel included, capable, understood, it’s now. No matter how much the world changes around us, play will always be an important part of shaping kids’ lives. That’s why we will always come back to play. Read on to learn more about the 2021 Catalogs from Landscape Structures.

2021 Playground Equipment Catalog
You’ll find everything you need to complete your play environment. From new products to featured designs, individual components and fitness equipment, we’ll ensure your play space is everything you imagine and more. Browse our virtual publication, then request a copy.

2021 SkyWays Shade Products Catalog
Give kids and families much needed heat and sun protection while visiting any play, rest or activity area. From small to big shade, decorative to themed shade, we have flexible and stylish options for everywhere people like to gather. Browse the SkyWays® Shade Products virtual catalog, then contact us to get started on a new commercial shade project.

2021 Aquatix Catalog
Our imaginative designs continue to advance the world of dynamic water events—achieving new levels of chilling thrills, challenging interactive games and inventive water-based activities. Invite kids and families of all ages and abilities to immerse themselves in the brilliance of an Aquatix water experience. Browse our virtual catalog, then contact us to get started on your upcoming splash pad project.

We come back to play

Remember the moments that defined your childhood. The best of those often began in play. That’s why we design playgrounds that encourage kids to try new adventures, let their hearts and minds swing open, and simply have fun. That’s why… we come back to play.

We are proud to lead the conversation about the power of play with our Shaped by Play video series. Go here to watch all three videos.

Each of us have stories about how play has shaped us. Review the Shaped by Play video series and encourage your colleagues, friends and family to remember the moments… that got your heart racing, imagination swirling and body moving. Use our social media toolkit to share the message of why we come back to play.

Most importantly, help create the memories for the kids in your community to look back on. Contact your local Landscape Structures playground consultant to get started on a playground design today.