Announcing the launch of the 16th Annual State Association Speaker Scholarship Program

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 16th Annual State Association Speaker Scholarship Program, continuing our unwavering support for parks and recreation professionals. This initiative offers parks and recreation associations the opportunity to bring dynamic keynote speakers to their annual or regional conferences.

What is the State Association Speaker Scholarship Program?

The State Association Speaker Scholarship Program, offered by Landscape Structures, helps bring expert speakers on topics such as play, inclusion, equity and urban parks planning to the forefront. This program empowers state associations to inspire and educate their members through engaging presentations and discussions.

As part of the scholarship, we kindly request the following contributions from state associations:

  1. Advertisement: Please provide a complimentary advertisement in the state association magazine or another publication
  2. Introduction: Allow Landscape Structures the opportunity to introduce the keynote speaker
  3. Social Media: Create a social media post highlighting the speaker sponsored by the Landscape Structures scholarship
  4. Article: Publish an article provided by Landscape Structures in the organization’s newsletter or email.

We welcome applications from all state associations who have chosen their speaker for their upcoming conference. The application process is straightforward. Go here to complete the online application form, providing basic conference information–dates, location, name of keynote speaker and a brief description of their proposed presentation. We review each application and will notify the state association of their award within 30 days.

Benefits of the State Association Speaker Scholarship

The Speaker Scholarship from Landscape Structures offers a wealth of benefits. Primarily, it provides financial support, significantly reducing travel and accommodation costs for the speaker. This allows state associations to concentrate their efforts on delivering an outstanding conference experience.

Additionally, the scholarship enhances networking opportunities. Members gain access to industry experts, creating valuable connections and learning opportunities. Best of all, this program positions your association as a premier source of high-quality content. Landscape Structures is dedicated to cultivating a community of knowledge sharing and collaboration through this initiative.

Take Action Now

Now is the time to act. Apply today to bring an inspiring, thought-provoking speaker to your conference. Visit to submit your application. This is your chance to get and stay connected through play and recreation.

Join us in making the 16th year of the Speaker Scholarship Program the most impactful yet!

Supporting Parks and Recreation Professionals with the 15th Annual State Speaker Scholarship Program

We’re excited to share that we’re standing strong in our support of parks and recreation professionals with the launch of the 15th Annual State Speaker Scholarship program. The 2023-2024 scholarship program is about bringing in amazing keynote speakers—experts in topics like play, inclusion, equity, urban parks planning or any professional development—to state parks and recreation associations’ annual or regional conferences.

So, what’s in it for the lucky recipients of the 2023-2024 scholarship? They will receive $3,000 to support the appearance of these remarkable speakers at the conferences. We’ve increased the parks and recreation speaker scholarship amount to ensure that these conferences are filled with insightful discussions and eye-opening presentations.

The application is open! You can apply for a scholarship until May 31, 2024, to support a brilliant speaker at your conference. Head on over to to fill out the application today!

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the impact this scholarship program has made over the years. Since 2009, we’ve awarded 350 scholarships totaling over $867,000 for speakers at national conferences.

It’s time to take action. Apply now to bring an inspiring, challenging speaker to your conference. Head over to and fill out that application. This is just one more opportunity to get and stay connected through play and recreation.

Supporting state parks and recreation associations with 13 years of scholarships

State Speaker Scholarship 2021-22

We are excited to announce the 13th Annual State Speaker Scholarship Program has launched! The State Speaker Scholarship 2021-22 program will support the appearances of keynote speakers at state parks and recreation associations’ annual or regional conferences. State associations that are chosen will receive a scholarship of $2,500. Applications are being accepted through June 30, 2022; submit your application today!

Recipients of the State Speaker Scholarship 2021-22 will receive $2,500 to support conference speakers whose messages are focused on topics related to play, inclusion, equity, urban parks planning or other professional development. In addition to the $2,500 scholarship, Landscape Structures will provide one complimentary Play Healthy™ Hand Sanitizer Station to each state association awarded a scholarship to raffle off, donate or share with a member.

Since the scholarship program’s inception in 2009, Landscape Structures has awarded nearly 300 scholarships to state associations and more than $720,000 to support the appearances of speakers at park and recreation conferences throughout the nation.

Learn more about the 2021-2022 State Association Speaker Scholarship here, or contact your local Landscape Structures playground consultant.

The season of joy

The season of Joy

The end of the year brings no greater joy than the opportunity to express to you our heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for using play to celebrate children, families and entire communities. We know that the work we’re doing together is shaping the lives of the next generation.

Happy holidays from all of us at Landscape Structures, Aquatix and SkyWays.

Be Amazing.

Kids play. It’s a simple thing to do. A way to pass the time, let off some steam. To us, play is so much more. It’s a trial run of adulthood. A way for kids to discover and practice all the skills they’ll need in the future. Leadership, persistence, empathy, courage. Play is amazing because it shapes kids for tomorrow. So for a better tomorrow, we play today.

You’ll find everything you need to complete your play environment. From new products to featured designs, individual components and fitness equipment, we’ll ensure your playground is everything you imagine and more. Browse our virtual 2018 Playground Equipment Catalog, then request a copy.

Give kids and families much-needed heat and sun protection while visiting any play, rest or activity area. However much shade you’re looking for, SkyWays® shade products have you covered. Browse our virtual publication, then request a copy of the 2018 SkyWays Shade Products Catalog.

Invite individuals of all ages and abilities to immerse themselves in the brilliance of an Aquatix water experience. See how Aquatix moves graceful aqua play experiences well beyond a fun way to cool off. Browse the 2018 Aquatix Catalog, then request a copy.

NDRPA and its members are shaping lives through play

We were proud to offer the North Dakota Recreation & Park Association (NDRPA) a Speaker Scholarship for the 2017 State Conference to support its members’ professional development. Today, we’re happy to have Kelly Churchill, marketing specialist at the Mandan Park District, as our guest blogger discussing how NDRPA and it’s members are helping build the leaders of tomorrow.


NDRPA members are shaping the lives of kids through play by providing recreational opportunities for all ages and abilities to promote a healthy lifestyle. Park districts across the state offer something for everyone in the community whether it is youth or adult programs, parks and shelters, facilities, aquatics or events! We continue to shape lives by improving the quality of life for all citizens of North Dakota.

Mandan Universal Playground

Mandan’s Universal Playground is a destination place for its community members as well as those in surrounding communities. The inclusive playground, which was designed considering physical, sensory, social, communication and cognitive abilities, fosters the community and welcomes both children and their families for play. Landscape Structures helps provide these inclusive opportunities throughout the state of North Dakota, and we are pleased to collaborate with them to shape the lives of North Dakota residents through play.


Celebrate Kids to Parks Day on May 16

In just over a week, children and families will descend upon local, state and national parks to celebrate Kids to Parks Day. The event, being held on May 16, 2015, marks the fifth year that the National Park Trust has encouraged children and families to get outside for play, exploration and adventure.

Make the pledge to visit a local park on Kids to Parks Day, May 16.

Visit to make the pledge to plan a trip to the park on Saturday, May 16. Just by making the pledge, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a Nikon COOLPIX L830 camera. And while your there, you can browse a listing of park events by state and city to find one near you. Or find a nearby playground on that you can go explore.

Tom Sawyer Island at Amelia Earhart Park, Hialeah, Fla.

According to the National Park Trust, Kids to Parks Day is becoming America’s unofficial kick off to summer. So mark your calendar and plan to get out and play on May 16!

Where do you get your inspiration?

The region 4 winner of the Together We Play™ essay contest is Kate’s Kause in Elmira, Ontario. Kate’s Kause is a 100 percent charitable organization committed to Angelman Syndrome awareness and fundraising for inclusive community projects. Read the excerpt below to learn where Kate’s mom, Kelly, gets her inspiration.

“My inspiration comes from ourColor Splash Panel™ beautiful 2-year-old daughter, Kate. Kate was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome (AS) in 2010. AS is a traumatic diagnosis: those afflicted suffer from severe physical and intellectual disabilities, have poor verbal skills, sleep disorders, sensory sensitivities and require full support throughout their lives. To help bolster our spirits, we have created an organization named for Kate–Kate’s Kause–which we hope will help create the necessary change that will benefit all children. As Kate’s mom, I have the same dreams and hopes for Kate that any parent has: I want her to be happy, be surrounded by people who love her and be included in the world. One way of helping us fulfill our dream of full inclusion for Kate is through helping her do what children do best: play.”


We read so many great essays when deciding the winners of the Together We Play™ contest, and want to share with you excerpts from the winning submissions. Here is part of what drew us in to learn more about the Sensory Garden Playground Initiative at the Wheaton Park District in Wheaton, Ill.

Imagine the sounds of happy children running, climbing, swinging and digging, while parents chat nearby. Imagine the relaxing atmosphere of unstructured play which encourages problem-solving and socialization among peers. Imagine entire families enjoying recreation together.

Now imagine the nightmare a park can be for families of children with sensory processing problems–too much noise, too much contact, no place to withdraw safely. Imagine the panic of parents when a child on sensory overload runs away, or the embarrassment when their child becomes overwhelmed and bites or hits another child. Imagine a family’s frustration at not being able to enjoy a park atmosphere because the facility isn’t safe and welcoming for a child with special emotional needs.

We imagined all this and more.

Then we saw a safely fenced play area with room for children to spread out, surrounded by a fitness trail for adults. We saw surfacing where wheeled devices move easily and equipment is designed to engage sight, hearing, smell, movement and touch. We saw places where a child can withdraw easily and safely, so that each one can learn to regulate his or her own sensory input. We saw a welcoming place where whole families can relax and engage and enjoy their time together.

We saw the need for a multi-community effort to build a world-class facility, and we are ready and willing to lead in making it a reality.

Guest Blog: Creating community


Now that Stephani Victor, Paralympic gold medalist and Together We Play™ essay contest judge, has finished reading the essays, she’s even more in awe of those who submitted them.

It has truly been an honor and rewarding experience to contribute to this most generous award opportunity that I know will be embraced whole heartedly by the winners. I learned a lot through this process. I cried, I felt people’s loss and community need. I felt their frustration with failing budgets and poorly maintained or inaccessible playgrounds in existence. But most importantly, I felt their passion, their commitment and authentic motivation to bring people together for the purpose of play. I have thought a lot about “playing” and what that means in my life, how it has shaped my life and how we have a responsibility as a society to ensure everyone has an opportunity to “play.” It’s important that we provide a place for everyone to go that is safe, where they can explore, grow and develop their imaginations and, ultimately, their sense of self.

I am also deeply affected by the idea of inclusion and what that really means. And how damaging exclusion can be, even if it comes from well-meaning parents who want to exclude able-bodied children from playing with their child with special needs because they are trying to protect them. Ultimately, any exclusion has negative consequences for everyone. I am so committed to the exploration of inclusion–in life–for adults, too. I am really grateful to you for sharing your insights and educating me. I have mountains of respect for you and your teammates, who are so committed to making a difference in lives of so many. Lastly, I appreciated the reminder that each of us gets to create our community and if we would like things to change, we need to start with ourselves.