Elevating education: Celebrating assistant principals and enriching playgrounds

Elm Grove Elementary School, Texas

Celebrating the pillars of our educational community, particularly assistant principals, is more than a gesture—it’s a commitment to acknowledging the foundational role they play in our schools. We’re proud of our 15-year partnership with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) through which we partner with these educational professionals to promote healthy children, successful futures and encourage a place where children of all abilities can play, learn and grow together. We’re also excited to continue our sponsorship of its National Outstanding Assistant Principals® (NOAP) Program. This initiative shines a light on the extraordinary efforts of assistant principals across the nation, recognizing their dedication and the positive impacts they have within their school communities. See the Class of 2024 National Outstanding Assistant Principals.

Celebrating the 2024 National Outstanding Assistant Principals

Our commitment to enhancing the educational environment extends beyond accolades. Understanding the critical importance of play in child development, we also focus on the role of school playgrounds. These spaces are not just areas for recess, they are vital for encouraging physical activity, fostering social skills and enhancing cognitive development. Research underscores the significance of outdoor physical activity, not only for children’s health but also for their academic and social progress. Creating age-appropriate and developmentally suitable playgrounds is pivotal in ensuring that children receive the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity daily, as suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

To support this vision, we work with schools to bring these playground projects to fruition so children can thrive both inside and outside the classroom. For more detailed insights on planning and implementing school playgrounds, go here. Then contact your local Landscape Structures playground consultant to get started on designs for your upcoming playground projects today.

Contribute to children’s development with well-designed playgrounds


Child development experts tell us that what looks like mere child’s play is preparation for a successful adult life–as vital as learning to walk and talk. But few studies have examined patterns of play on specific playground equipment to assess how these play spaces might shape children’s development. To find out, we commissioned an observational study in partnership with the University of Minnesota Institute of Child Development.

Children demonstrated key developmental skills in a variety of ways, with behaviors often linked to specific types of equipment. For example, children’s gross motor play—seen on swings, slides, overhead events and climbers—may contribute to physical development. Imaginative play has been linked to language development, social competence and self-regulation. Even waiting in line requires children to take turns and consider others’ needs. To request a complete copy of the research whitepaper, go to playlsi.com/whitepapers.


Our observations showed that well-designed play spaces contribute to the development of children. By helping them learn and practice key life skills, great playgrounds help children grow into healthy, well-adjusted adults. Watch our video below that brings the WHY of what we do to life.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3878sEXPuVE]

Splash play is more than just a fun way to cool off


Summer is here! And with the warm weather, visits to lakes, pools, splash pads and spray grounds become a necessity for kids (and adults) of all ages. While staying cool is definitely in the top five reasons to seek out water play, there are numerous developmental benefits for kids of all ages.

1. Kids develop their motor skills. Pouring, squirting, stirring and squeezing develops kids’ fine motor skills hand-eye coordination. They also strengthen gross motor skills by running, dodging water drops and hopping through ground sprays or lawn sprinklers.

2. Water encourages kids to test new solutions to problems in a safe environment. Observing the filling of dumping buckets teaches kids about cause and effect. Even more, splash play inspires imaginative play, which plays an important role in problem solving.

3. Splish, splash, sieve, dump, spray… While they play, kids are developing their language skills. Conversations between a caregiver and a child as well as peers will help them to learn new words and practice the language they’ve recently developed.

4. Aqua play encourages role play and crucial social skills like cooperation and sharing. Kids learn to take turns going down the slides of the HydraHub1, work together to make the HydroHelix spin and share the space under the FlashFlood and VersoSplash®.

5. You may not realize it, but water playgrounds are a great opportunity for kids to learn basic math and science skills. Interacting with the AquaGather Station introduces kids to physics and mathematics. Even more, spray play can be a chance to practice counting i.e. “How many dumping buckets are splashing you?” or “How many Splash Pack Animals do you see?”

As a parent or caregiver, you can help facilitate these developmental benefits by encouraging kids to stay active, try new things, use their imaginations, describe what they’re doing, ask questions, and count out what they’re seeing as they splish, splash and play.

To learn more about how to design a water playground that ensures a fun and educational experience for the entire family, go here. Then contact Aquatix by Landscape Structures to get started on a splash pad or spray park design today.