Funding options to make your playground a reality

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Building, updating and maintaining playgrounds takes money. The good news is there is grant money available, you just need to know where to look. Our grant resources help navigate the playground grant process. Request our grant resources, which include nationwide and international grant opportunities, here.

In addition to playground grant resources, we have many purchasing and funding options that can help bring your playground dreams to fruition.

A great school or neighborhood playground provides a safe place for children to stay active and improve their social skills. Contact us today to get started on your next playground design.

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Fundraising ideas for your new playground

MLK Center

We know that securing funds for a community or school playground can often be a challenge. But the great news is that there is nearly always money available… you just have to know where to look for it! And we’re here to help you with that. We have fundraising programs, a playground grant guide and purchasing contracts to help bring your playground plans to fruition.

We can help you set up a highly profitable playground fundraising program. We’ve partnered with an organization to help turn walk-a-thons or other events into successful fundraisers with tools and resources. And we have scratchcards to turn your playground fundraising into a game.


Playground grants are another way you can get the funds you need to make your project happen. While we don’t offer grants directly, we’ve put together a Grant Guide that provides a listing of federal and state programs, as well as grants offered by corporations.


And finally, we have several purchasing contracts available to tax-based agencies or non-profits to expedite and simplify the buying process. Enrollment is easy and free, and it allows you to purchase our playground equipment at a great price.

Contact us to learn more about our playground fundraising programs and grant guide, and visit to get more details about the purchasing contracts we have available.