Sensory Playground Components

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Benefits of Sensory Play Equipment

Sensory play is any activity that stimulates a child’s senses. Through sensory play, children develop behaviors based on what they touch, see, hear, taste, smell, and how they move and position their bodies in space. Sensory-rich playgrounds allow children of all ages and abilities to integrate and develop their senses, and the more they play, the more they develop skills necessary to engage, change and impact the world around them.

Incorporating sensory play equipment into a playground design ensures there is something to engage children of varying needs and levels of ability. All kids benefit from sensory play exploration; however, kids with disabilities may engage with and process this equipment differently. Some may require additional sensory input while others do better with less. Some may prefer to experience this input more frequently, others less frequently. Including different types of sensory play equipment allows every child to choose how they want to engage in the play space.

Sensory Playground Equipment and Replacement Options

Children are attracted to sensory activities and a sensory-rich, inclusive play environment brings children together while providing each one with the experiences they seek. We offer a wide range of sensory play equipment, from outdoor musical instruments to educational activity stations, that can help transform your playground into a fun and beneficial gathering area for children and families of all ages and abilities.

Whether you’re adding commercial sensory play equipment for the first time, incorporating it into an existing design, or looking for replacement sensory playground equipment, we have many options to choose from. Freestanding sensory playground equipment can be added to any new or existing play area. If sensory products connected to a playground need to be replaced, it must be replaced by the original manufacturer to ensure the safest fit and proper connections. If you aren’t sure of the original manufacturer, check for a company name or safety label on the side of the equipment.

An inclusive retrofit incorporates sensory elements into your current playground design to give it a new look and feel while encouraging children with varying abilities to play together through sensory-rich activities. A unique, updated design can be achieved with minimal cost.

Sensory Play Expert Partners

Pulse-Tennis-Table_350x.jpgWe are an industry leader in creating play environments that allow all children and their families to play together, regardless of their abilities. We create inclusive playgrounds featuring activities that stimulate the senses, and appropriate to age and development, and are universal in design.

Our team of experts in the fields of child development, adaptive recreation, sensory play and occupational therapy form our Inclusive Play Partners who provide valuable guidance for the development of new products, concepts and user experiences.

The input of our partners ensures we continue to create inclusive playgrounds that address accessibility, play activities appropriate to age and development, and sensory play. Our partners share their insights, best practices, latest research and in-depth industry knowledge with the Landscape Structures team, helping us further advance the inclusive and sensory play movement.