
Add motion that kids love!

It's not a playground without motion! Kids love to move, and these motion-making components will give them many ways to rock, wiggle, roll and bounce!

Many of the below commercial playground components are designed to stimulate kids' vestibular sense, which is the sense that helps the body keep balance while in motion. The Boogie Board™, the ReviRock® Bouncer, the Wobble Pod® Bouncer and the Spring Pod™ Bouncer are all great examples of playground features that help kids learn balance and stimulate this important vestibular sense.

The Cyclers are a great full-body workout for kids, inviting them to use just their arms or both their arms and legs to pedal in a circular motion. The Stationary Cycler also comes in an accessible version so kids with mobility devices can enjoy the motion fun.

SuperScoop and SuperScoop Accessible are great tools for building coordination and problem-solving skills as kids manipulate the digger to scoop the sand and then they guide the sand where they want it to go.

The Sway Fun® Glider is a collaborative and inclusive way for kids to experience motion fun! Made for kids with and without mobility devices, the glider creates fun and giggles for multiple kids at once.

Explore all of our motion fun components below to help your playground visitors rock, sway, bounce and glide!